Russian Language and Linguistic Theory. 2022. № 2 (44)

Anton V. Zimmerling
A tale of two auxiliaries: third person forms of byti in Old Russian
9 - 84
Irina S. Yuryeva
Conditional conjunctions in the original Old Russian texts of different genres
85 - 124
Elena A. Galinskaya
Revisiting the language of North-Eastern Russia of the 15th century
125 - 137
Alexandra N. Antonova
Approximative constructions with numerals in the late Old Russian chronicles and notarial acts
138 - 152
Niyaz I. Kireyev
Alleged exceptions to ‘Zaliznyak’s rule’ (once again on the apocopation of unstressed vowels in Russian)
153 - 165
Vladimir V. Glebkin
Semantic trajectory of the word avos' in the Russian literary language of the 18th and the first third of the 19th centuries
166 - 192
Evgenij A. Balashov
Phraseological units of the type na korotkoy noge, na shirkokuiy nogy in the Russian language of the 18th–21th centuries
193 - 221
Natalia M. Stoynova
Variation in control in Russian infinitive change-of-posture constructions
222 - 241
Paola Cotta Ramusino
Zakon zakonom, a zhizn’ diktuet svoe: the function in discourse of the construction [X1–X1om, a/no]
242 - 262
Anna A. Pichkhadze
[Review of:] E. B o u n a t i r o u. Eine Syntax des “Novyj Margarit” des A. M. Kurbskij. Philologish dependenzgrammatische Analysen zu einem kirchenslavischen Übersetzungskorpus. 1. Philologishe, sprachkulturelle und lautlichgraphematische Grundlagen. 2. Syntax (= Slavistische Beiträge 509)
263 - 270
New Books
New Books
Tatiana I. Afanasyeva
Vadim B. Kry s’ko, Wolfgang Hock. The Martyrdom of Irene. An Old Slavonic Translation of a Byzantine Life

Addresses of universities and institutes

Notes for contributors
273 - 274