Russian Language and Linguistic Theory. 2020. № 1 (39)

Iya V. Nechaeva, Nikolaj V. Pertsov
On variability in Russian orthography
10 - 35
Olga E. Pekelis
Zero anaphora in Russian: a microdiachronic analysis
36 - 59
Jochen Podelo
Duration of the alveopalatal fricative [ɕ:] in Modern Russian
60 - 87
Maria V. Akhmetova
Words for city dwellers in Soviet rhetoric: from the marginal to the mainstream
88 - 108
Ekaterina A. Mishina
The interaction between negation and aspect in Old Russian
109 - 135
Dmitri V. Sitchinava
Re-reading pluperfect: a new overview of the examples of pluperfect in birchbark letters
136 - 171
Marina A. Bobrik
Some remarks on the vocabulary of birchbark letters (klanjajusja in No. 293, vodja in No. 65, naprasno in No. 494/469)
172 - 179
Ivan S. Dobrovolsky
Epenthetic ъ and ь in a 1296 Russian Church Slavonic manuscript
180 - 197
Yanina V. Myznikova
Specifity of nominal declination in the Russian dialects of the Ulyanovsk region
198 - 209
Niyaz I. Kireyev
Towards the history of two dialecticisms: baxmur and gamyrit′ (some addenda to Alexander Anikin’s Russian Etymological Dictionary)
210 - 233
Materials of dialectological expeditions
Materials of dialectological expeditions
Roman V. Ronko
Expedition to Opochka district of the Pskov region in 2019: texts and a brief commentary
234 - 258
Maria V. Akhmetova
XVII International Conference “Onomasticon of the Volga Region”
259 - 266
Nadezhda K. Onipenko
The 51th Vinogradov Conference in the Moscow State University
266 - 271
Nina B. Mechkovskaya
[Rev. of:] Irina B. Levontina, Alexey D. Shmelev. The Liberal Lexicon
272 - 291
New Books
New Books
Alexander E. Anikin
W. Smoczyński. Lithuanian etymological dictionary
292 - 294
Anna A. Pichkhadze
M. Chromá. Apocryphal Questions of Bartholomew in the Slavonic Tradition
294 - 296

Addresses of universities and institutes

Notes for contributors
298 - 299