Russian Language and Linguistic Theory. 2014. № 1 (27)

Valentina Yu. Apresjan
Tut ‘right here’, zdes´ ‘here’, and sejčas ‘now’. On temporal meanings of spatial deictics
9 - 41
Elena A. Grishina
Vertical axis in gesticulation from the linguistic point of view
42 - 89
Dmitri V. Sitchinava
«Alas, all this is just pluperfect for them»: a linguistic term as a language metaphor
90 - 121
Alexey A. Kozlov
On the semantics of Old Church Slavonic xotěti / iměti + infinitive constructions
122 - 149
Yana A. Penkova
Towards the problem of the so called «compound future II» semantics in the Old Russian language (on the material of the Life of St. Andrew the Fool)
150 - 184
Ekaterina A. Vlasova
The use of infinitive and subjunctive forms in modal patterns of indirect speech in Russian chronicles of the 11th–16th centuries
185 - 205
Alexandr P. Mayorov
Phenomena of conversational syntax in the written business language of the 18th century (based on the transbaikalian written records)
206 - 236
Tatiana I. Afanasyeva
On the problem of the provenance of the Slavonic translation of the Euchologion of the Great Church
237 - 251
Valery L. Vasil’ev
Etymological observations on vocabulary and place names of the Russian Northwest and North. II. (Hydronyms with the root lin-, terms nalym, nalye, naloj)
252 - 264
Marina A. Bobrik
Pop Upyr' Lichyj (the syntactical function and the meaning of the epitheton lichyj)
265 - 272
Irina A. Gorbushina
On the origin of the phraseological unit vteret’ ochki
273 - 283
N. V. Patroyeva, Anna S. Kuleva
Highlights of the International Linguistic Seminar “Problems of Russian Historical Grammar and Slavistics: celebrating the 175th anniversary of the birth of Vatroslav Jagić”
284 - 289
History of Russistics
History of Russistics
L. Y. Astakhina
N. A. Smirnov’s Dictionary of Food and Cuisine of 16th–18th century Moscovite Russia, and A. I. Sobolevskyi’s revision of it
290 - 304
Ekaterina V. Rakhilina
N. Mikhailov. Instrumental Case in the Russian Language of 18th century
305 - 312
New Books
New Books
Dmitri V. Sitchinava
Marguerite Guiraud-Weber. Essais de syntaxe russe et contrastive
313 - 315

316 - 317

Notes for contributors
318 - 319