Anastasia A. Gerasimova. The relevancy of word order for classifying binominative clause
RJANO. 2023. № 2 (46), Pages. 180 - 199

Tatiana I. Davidyuk. Predicate agreement and word order: an experimental study
RJANO. 2023. № 2 (46), Pages. 220 - 234

Alexandra A. Pletneva. Transcripts of byliny in 18-century manuscript miscellanies: linguistic criteria of the genre
RJANO. 2021. № 2 (42), Pages. 104 - 124

Irina I. Makeeva. Word order in noun phrases in the sermons of Kirill Turovsky
RJANO. 2018. № 2 (36), Pages. 87 - 104

Alexandr B. Letuchiy. Russian verbs with fixed order of complements and properties of complement clauses
RJANO. 2018. № 2 (36), Pages. 180 - 198

Roman V. Ronko. Differential object marking in infinitival clauses in Old Russian
RJANO. 2016. № 1 (31), Pages. 158 - 181

Anna A. Pichkhadze, Аnna Rodionova. On the word order in ‘verb – direct object’ combinations in Old Russian
RJANO. 2011. № 1 (21), Pages. 127 - 161