Elena V. Uryson
Elena V. Uryson. Towards the description of grammar periphery: syntax and semantics of Russian item ne dokhodia do (muzeja) (lit.: ‘before reaching the museum’)
RJANO. 2024. № 2 (48), Pages. 241 - 254
Elena V. Uryson. Hierarchy of meanings of a polysemic word: setting the problem
RJANO. 2019. № 1 (37), Pages. 45 - 57
Elena V. Uryson. On the structure of the semantic level of a poem: Pushkin’s “Anchar”
RJANO. 2018. № 2 (36), Pages. 227 - 256
Elena V. Uryson. Semantic actants of the Russian concessive conjunction khotja ‘though’ (lexicographic description vs. real texts)
RJANO. 2017. № 2 (34), Pages. 142 - 152
Elena V. Uryson. The change of polysemy and of modal frames of the word vporu (from the beginning of the 19th century until now)
RJANO. 2016. № 1 (31), Pages. 24 - 61
Ekaterina A. Mishina, Elena V. Uryson. The Aspectual Semantic Zone: Typology of Systems and Scripts of Diachronic Progresses: The Fifth Conference of the International Commission on Aspectology of the International Committee of Slavists
RJANO. 2016. № 1 (31), Pages. 292 - 303