Occasional author’s idioms in the fiction works of F. Dostoevsky

2024. № 2 (48), 214-240

Evgenij A. Balashov
Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(Moscow, Russia)


The article deals with occasional idiomatic word combinations coined by a definite author, i.e., such as do not occur outside his texts otherwise than in the form of citations. The material is confined to author’s idioms proper, that is, unique expressions created by an author; modifications of common idioms have not been taken into account. The frequency of author’s idioms in the corpus of his works is not considered crucial as in the
case of common idiomatic expressions. The mechanism underlying the genesis of such combinations is described as metaphorical reinterpreting of their components in a given context, e.g. in a narrative piece or in description of a character’s behavior. The analysis is based mainly on the fiction works of F. Dostoevsky; texts by other authors are used as auxiliary material.