Russian Language and Linguistic Theory. 2023. № 2 (46)

Igor A. Meľčuk
Two Russian lexemes: VOZʹMI [i Y-ni] lit. ‘takeIMPER [and YIMPER]’ and VZJATʹ2 [i Y- nutʹ] lit. ‘to take and to do Y’
9 - 25
Fyodor V. Baykov
Locality of intra-clausal negative concord in Russian: a comparison with other non-local syntactic processes
26 - 58
Ekaterina O. Borzenko
Mamistyi, gorodistyi and rabotistyi: semantics and use of non-standard denominative adjectives with the suffix -ist-
59 - 81
Alexandra N. Antonova
Numeral phrases with the concordant attribute in the Middle Russian chronicles and notarial acts
82 - 107
From the proceedings of the conference «Grammatical processes and systems in synchrony and diachrony» (June 13–15, 2022, Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
From the proceedings of the conference «Grammatical processes and systems in synchrony and diachrony» (June 13–15, 2022, Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
Svetlana V. Dyachenko, Alexandra V. Ter-Avanesova
Phonemes /e/ and /ê/ in the borrowed stems in Southern and Central Russian dialects
108 - 138
Alexandr B. Letuchiy
Subordination in nonstandard contexts: nonstandard subordinate constructions and their syntactic properties
139 - 179
Anastasia A. Gerasimova
The relevancy of word order for classifying binominative clause
180 - 199
Ekaterina A. Lyutikova
On agreement variation in Russian
200 - 219
Tatiana I. Davidyuk
Predicate agreement and word order: an experimental study
220 - 234
Kseniia A. Studenikina
Agreement hierarchy in Russian coordinated noun phrases: corpus and experimental study
235 - 245
Yana A. Penkova
Inchoative verb učati in Middle Russian writing: lexis or grammar?
246 - 265
Anna A. Pichkhadze
Relative free-choice pronoun iže kъto in Old Russian
266 - 280
Veronika K. Skripka
The demonstrative pronoun sei in Russian official documents of the 16th–17th centuries
281 - 292
Natalia P. Iordani
The subjunctive infinitive and the subjunctive mood in the contexts with indirect speech in the business documents of the 16th–17th centuries
293 - 308
Nadezhda K. Onipenko
The 54th Vinogradov Conference in the Moscow State University
309 - 311