Word order in attributive collocations in the cycle of prayers of Kirill of Turov

2024. № 1 (47), 197-231

Irina I. Makeeva
Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(Moscow, Russia)


The article is a continuation of two previous publications devoted to the study of the arrangement of attributes in the rhetorical works of the 12th century Old Russian writer Kirill of Turov. We examine attributes-adjectives and attributes-pronouns in onecomponent contact noun groups, in groups with distant attribute position and in groups with several attributes. The positioning of attribute-pronouns depends on their category. The postposition is characteristic of possessive pronouns in general, although the most used ones – moy, tvoy, svoy –have their own peculiarities. Attributive-adjective pronouns in the Kirill of Turov’s cycle of prayers are predominantly in preposition. There are peculiarities in the positioning of individual words and some groups of adjectives. The choice of the position of attributes-adjectives partly depends on the structural part of the prayer in which they are located (praise, petition, confession), and on the inclusion of noun groups in a series-chain consisting of several similar constructions.