Elena V. Uryson. Towards the description of grammar periphery: syntax and semantics of Russian item ne dokhodia do (muzeja) (lit.: ‘before reaching the museum’)
RJANO. 2024. № 2 (48), Pages. 241 - 254
Alexandr B. Letuchiy. Subordination in nonstandard contexts: nonstandard subordinate constructions and their syntactic properties
RJANO. 2023. № 2 (46), Pages. 139 - 179
Valentin Yu. Gusev. Rules of substitution PF to IPF after modal verbs with negation in Russian
RJANO. 2021. № 1 (41), Pages. 192 - 225
Ekaterina A. Mishina. The interaction between negation and aspect in Old Russian
RJANO. 2020. № 1 (39), Pages. 109 - 135
Anna A. Pichkhadze. Perfect and Pluperfect in Old Russian: The position of sentential negation and the auxiliary verb
RJANO. 2020. № 2 (40), Pages. 185 - 205
Elena V. Uryson. The change of polysemy and of modal frames of the word vporu (from the beginning of the 19th century until now)
RJANO. 2016. № 1 (31), Pages. 24 - 61
Ekaterina A. Mishina. “Situation of futile expectation” and negation
RJANO. 2012. № 2 (24), Pages. 219 - 241