On the development of constructions X znaet ‘X knows’ from a diachronic perspective
This paper presents a diachronic corpus study of constructions of the X znaet ‘X knows’ type. Such constructions have a long history in the written sources, therefore revealing the peculiarities of their constructionalization process is important also for the theory of idiomatization. First, we focus on the semantics and compatibility of the construction with the anchor Bog ‘God’, second, we discuss the variant with the anchor chert ‘devil’, and, finally, modifications with obscene lexis. The results of our analysis show that the diachronic development of the Bog- and chert- types differs only slightly, while obscene anchors demonstrate greater diversity in terms of syntax and compatibility. The paper describes the semantics of such constructions (uncertainty, positive and negative assessment, intensification), as well as the chronology of their appearance in the written sources. Semantic transitions are analyzed within the framework of the theory of implicatures.