Variation of forms of genitive, dative cases and adjectives in the oldest East Slavonic manuscripts of the Paroemiarion

2024. № 1 (47), 183-196

Georgiy A. Molkov
Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(Moscow, Russia)


The article analyzes the contexts from the Old Slavonic translation of the Paroemiarion (Parimejnik) according to six early Old Russian sources (thirteenth-fourteenth centuries) and two manuscripts of the Serbian recension, with a variation of three ways of rendering the Greek adjective genitive — using the adnominal genitive and dative cases and adjectival forms (such as iskhodi zhivotьni / zhivota / zhivotu). At the first stage, using the tools of the portal “Manuscripts" (, manuscripts of different textological groups were compared, which made it possible to identify heterogeneity in the use of dative case forms. Their maximum number is observed in the Lazarevskii Paroemiarion, which represents the oldest edition (and is chronologically the earliest), and the minimum is in the Zakhariinskii Paroemiarion, which reflects the chronologically latest edition of this translation presented in the copies under study. At the second stage, this feature is considered in the manuscripts representing the most ancient type of the Paroemiarion text. This made it possible to establish that high occurrence of the dative case in the function under consideration is a characteristic of one of the groups of the “Ancient” type. The emergence of this group is associated with Eastern Bulgaria, and may be the result of deliberate editing.