Russian Language and Linguistic Theory. 2022. № 1 (43)

Ilia A. Karpov, Tatiana V. Krylova, Svetlana P. Timoshenko
The language of comment in social networks: an overview of morphological and syntactic features
9 - 43
Vladimir V. Glebkin, Varvara A. Kuznetsova
Linguistic competence as an object of experimental research
44 - 76
Aleksander Kiklewicz
Subjunctive conjunctions kak in Russian — jak in Polish: semantics and combinatory
77 - 112
Sergey V. Knyazev
The structure of pitch accent in Russian dialects with “word-by-word” melodic contour
113 - 153
Ksenia A. Gilyarova, Ilya B. Itkin
On the kings and the beasts: the rules of accentuation of a group of Russian surnames
154 - 181
Elena L. Berezovich
Etymological notes in the margin of an expediton notebook: native Russian vocabulary in the dialects of the White Sea Tersky coast
182 - 205
Anatoly F. Zhuravlev
Nabityi durak (considerations on the origin of the idiom)
206 - 216
Maximilian Grübsch
Periphrasen mit Futurreferenz in den Vesti-Kuranty
217 - 243
Marina A. Bobrik
The Gospel on the icon as a witness to the Bible tradition in Old Rus’
244 - 254
Irina A. Bukrinskaya, Olga E. Karmakova, Anna V. Malysheva, Elena V. Kolesnikova, Tamara P. Lönngren
International conference “Actual problems of Russian dialectology: on occasion of the 100th anniversary of Sofya V. Bromley and Olga N. Morakhovskaya”
255 - 269
Nadezhda K. Onipenko
The 53d Vinogradov conference in the Moscow State University
269 - 273
Ekaterina V. Rakhilina, Aimgul K. Kazkenova
[Review of:] M. Kalyuga. Russian Prepositional Phrases: A Cognitive Linguistic Approach
274 - 280
New Books
New Books
Alexander E. Anikin
S. A. Myznikov. Russian Dialects of Belomorye in the Сontext of Ethno-linguistic interaction: A Comprehensive Study
281 - 283

Addresses of universities and institutes

Notes for contributors
285 - 286