Minimodel of semantic synthesis of Russian sentences

2021. № 1 (41), 31-65

Lidija N. Iordanskaja
Observatoire de linguistique Sens-Texte, Université de Montréal
(Montréal, Canada)
Igor A. Mel’čuk
Observatoire de linguistique Sens-Texte, Université de Montréal
(Montréal, Canada)


А conceptual representation is proposed for an extralinguistic situation as it can be reflected
in the psyche of an imaginary Speaker. For this conceptual representation a corresponding
semantic representation is produced, which, in its turn, underlies the deep-syntactic
representations of four near-synonymous Russian sentences that express the starting information.
Two full-fledged lexicographic entries are presented for the lexemes BESPORJADKI ‘disturbance’
and STOLKNOVENIE ‘clash(N)’, used in the sentences under description. It is shown how the formal lexicographic definitions of these lexemes are approximately matched to a semantic representation in the process of its lexicalization and arborization.